Sunday, May 31, 2009
ps... you can follow Utah Volleyball on twitter... ... and we started our program's blog at (it is in it's infancy... :-).
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Its so good to read about everyones trips and adventures. And its fun to see pictures too. Everyone is doing things that are really exciting. Thats great. Chels, i can't believe you were in Chicago and i wasn't there. Dang it.
So i love being in Poland and i totally forgot how much I missed being here. I went to spend some time with my grandpa and my aunt for few days and it was really relaxing being there because they live in a small town. When i was at my grandpa's it brought back some memories from my childhood and it was fun to just look back. But i didn't have internet for few days so that was kind of hard. haha. Now im back in Wroclaw (city that i live in) and im excited to hang out with some of my friends. Anyway, here's the answer to my question #2.
If i could play a different sport in college, i would totally pick basketball. I started playing basketball when i was young here in poland. My dad was the first one that introduced it to me and took me to my first practice. I loved playing and i loved the excitement of the game. And sometimes, i liked how you could push people around on the court. haha. Also, it was really hard for me to give up playing because i played for so many years. But i still like watching it.
hope all you are doing well. miss you girls
love ya
PS. I'll try to put some pictures up soon
Pregunta numero dos
I am SO behind...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Trip to Zion's

Because of the Holiday, my friends and I decided to go camping after work!!! so we left Salt Lake @ 11:30pm and drove for almost 5 hours to get to Zion's around 4:30am... We clearly didn't get any sleep... But who wants to sleep anyways right? I went on a boat ride, fishing if some of my friends. Than we went for a walk to look around the ranch. Than my friends and I decided to go to this river... It was so cold... but I took awesome pictures of our little adventure. It was great, beautiful things to see and an opportunity to get together with some old friends and eat marshmallows and banana boat (and yes with lots of CHOCOLATE)
I was the funniest thing that I did so far and I hope go and visit other places before our season starts!!!
I hope you all are doing well
Love you tons, Ci
Hey Ppl!!!
I hope you all are enjoying summer as much as I'm, chilling with friends and spending some time with the fam
I know that I's ALWAYS late but here we go :)
Q#1: Who is part of you? Who has had the biggest impact on your life or your personality?
That's a hard question, but I'd say that my parents did a pretty good job with me lol
My mom got stronger since i moved to U.S and she has always helped me to stay strong even when I face a hard situation. She is a funny women and tough me to laugh more about myself and have fun no matter what. She was the one who introduced me to volleyball and was also who stood up for me when I decided to come to U.S. My dad in other hand, my dad is the one always yelling at me, and from the most part he's right :) so i try to listen to him and learn from his experience and always to the right thing... He's the most amazing person that I'll ever meet, and I just want to be like him.
Q#2: If you could play any other sport in college what it would be and why? Considering all the factors.
That's funny, because I remember talking to Corinne and Jen about playing other sport, which it would be football hahha.. considering the fact that I'd be a boy and I'd make make money and go pro... But seriously, I don't think I'd play any other sport because I love volleyball way too much
Guess What??!!!
Picking a different sport to play in college is a hard question. In junior high and high school I played a little bit of softball and basketball but that was it. In high school I was all about volleyball that was the only sport I played and wanted to play. My first choice would be table tennis but I don’t think that is an actual NCAA sport. My second choice would be gymnastics however I think I am a little tall for that and I will not give up my height. So I guess I would play basketball. I have always loved playing basketball I'm just not very good ha ha.
Costa Rica!!
Chelsey went to Chicago
HELLO EVERYONE!!! Here are my questions 1 and 2!!
Question #1
I would have to say my mom has made the biggest impact on my life because she is always the one pushing me to get better everyday in anything I do. My mom does everything for me and not only me but the rest of my family. She goes out of her way to make each of our lives better even if that means sacrificing something that she likes to do or has planned. Ever since I was little my mom has pushed me to be the best and to be good example to everyone around me. Mom inspires me so much because she is just a great example to me and she works so so so hard. Growing up she worked all the time just so we could play all the sports and have the money to travel and do things. She never really takes the time for herself because she is alway doing stuff for others. I think also my mom plays a big part of me because she is my mom and I think I am just like her which is a good thing. I give my mom props for all that she has done and especially because she is going to go hike the grand teton this July and not many people do that(i I wish I wasnt such a scardy cat so I could do that haha)!!! I guess I would have to say my mom is pretty much AMAZING and has made the biggest impact on my life because of everything she has done for me and taught me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question #2
If I could play any other sport in college it would have to this is hard cause I love softball cause its just so fun and your outside getting tan but I also love basketball because i love being physical and love shooting!!!!!!!! So I guess I will have to go with BASKETBALL!!! I would want to play basketball because it is my second favorite sport and I loved playing it. I love just just shooting and taking it to the basket. Also I like to be mean(not in a bad way) and in basketball you can cause its a physical contact sport. Also you get to run and jump lots. I always felt like I was in shape when I played basketball!!! Last of all its a great team sport and I think it would be so so so fun to play in college!!!
Congrats to Kenzie and Brooke!!
p.s. this is Heather and to answer the question, I would like to have played tennis in college. I think tennis players have incredible stamina and are amazing athletes. Not to mention you get to be outside in the sun! :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
College sport!!
I would love to have thrown discus in college. The only problem is that I would probably have to be a lot stronger...I just don't think that my body is built to do that. I think it would be so fun and I really enjoyed getting new personal records when I threw in High School.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Question #2
If you could play any other sport in college what would it be and why? I know that other sports have different seasons they play in and different styles. So what would you like considering all the factors?
I love you all and miss you tons!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far and I miss everyone already! I know me, Sarah and Dani promised everyone that we would post some pictures from Costa Rica, and I am the first one home so I'm going to post some pictures for you guys! There is so much to tell and I took like 200 pictures so this is just a little taste of what our trip was like. We went to a few different places while we were in Costa Rica--La Fortuna, Monteverde, Nosara and Alajuela (San Jose). We hiked to a waterfall, zip lined over the forest, white water rafted, attempted surfing, spoke some espanol (mostly me :) ), ate plenty of rice and beans, had delicious FRUIT, got sun burnt, got bitten by ants and mosquitos, met some crazy TICOS (Costarican people), had more than a million people stare at us because we are American and huge, relaxed in hammocks, walked in the muddy mud, looked at froggy froggies and woody woodies (what they called their frogs and wood peckers), tripped and fell flat on our face (ehem..Dani), attempted some intense yoga, and best of all we bought some land so that we can go back there and vacation whenever we want :). Ok so not really.. but we were tempted. I'm sure the other girls will give more details on our trip, but that's just a little recap and I'll post some pictures here for you to enjoy!
The shirt that I bought says "Pura Vida", which is a saying that they always use in Costa Rica pretty much in any context. Translated it means "Pure Life", but really it's just describes their chill, laid-back life style. So I hope everybody is having an amazing summer...BARTO can't believe you are in Poland I hope you are having a blast and SHARD you are getting married so soon!! AHH. I figured I'd put my answer to the question on here as well...
My dad is a huge part of who I am because he has so many qualities that I have tried to emulate ever since I was little. He is patient, loving and rarely ever gets angry. He is such a peacemaker in our home and he gets along with everyone. In tough situations I always try and think of what my dad would do in the situation because I know that whatever he would do, is most likely how I should handle the situation. I agree that there are so many people that shape our lives each and every day, and he is just one of the many people that have shaped mine!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Most Influence in my life is...
The person or persons that I would say that have influenced my life the most would be my family. They have my huge support group with pushing me in volleyball, with pushing me in life in general. One particular person that I look up to in my family is my mom for one. Seeing her raise 6 kids, helping my dad on the dairy, doing the bookwork for the dairy and making sure all us kids had a great life growing up. She is such a hard worker and i take so much respect in her for what she has accomplished. Another person that I hugely look up to in my family is one of my sisters(remain nameless). My sisters first child is autistic, and autistic children demand alot of patience and therapy and so forth. I look up to my sister becasue she has given him so much patience with his development and has put so much work in to make the little things happen so he has a chance of becoming "normal". I look up to my sister because of how hard to she works to help her sons development increase. Everyday someone can influence your life but its the people that do the little things everyday that impact you for life.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
who i am...
so there have been a few people that have impacted my personality and the person i am today. the two i would say have the most are my parents. my mom, of course, i think has been the most. you girls should remember what i was telling in the hotel room in santa barbara but for you that werent there, i basically said that seeing my mom fight her breast cancer and being there through the whole process and taught me a ton of things. she is strong, never gives up no matter what trials she is given, and that family, church and friends do so much for you. my mom is so strong and faught through everything that was given to her. she is my hero. i truely look up to her and i dont think that she knows how much i love, respect and look up to her. and my dad has been another big influence on the person i am today. my dad is a very smart man. he knows a lot about different things. we always said that my dad can fix anything and its true. i am truely grateful for all the my dad has taught me and for all that he has done for me. some may say that i am spoiled and that might be true :) but really he and my mom have showed me how to be an adult. on top of it all, i am so grateful they are soooooo supportive. to drive up from california as much as they do and to travel to all my games that they can is so nice of them. i want to be able to support my children one day. i love them and im so happy they are my parents.
i love you all and enjoy your summer. and ps barto...i am!! :)
So im writing my first blog from POLAND!!!! I got in monday and the time difference kicked my butt because im still tired. Its really good to see my family and im excited to spend some time with them. Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying your summer. Here's my answer to the question:
The biggest impact on my life has been my family. I would have to say both of my parents have played a big role in my life. My mom has been so strong through out the years. She has sacrificed many things when we decided to move to the U.S and i really appreciate everything she has done for me. Sometimes she talks too much but i always listen to what she has to say and learn from her every day. Also, my dad has influenced my life. He was the one that introduced me to sports. When i was younger, he would always go to my games and he was very supportive of me. He still is very supportive and he watches our games on the internet late at night. Its funny because he stays up until 2 or 3 in the morning just to watch us. I hope one day he can come and see me play. I appreciate my family a lot and i learn from them every day.
love you all,
P.S Shard don't TAN too much!!!! haha
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thought Provoking Question #1 home!!