Because of the Holiday, my friends and I decided to go camping after work!!! so we left Salt Lake @ 11:30pm and drove for almost 5 hours to get to Zion's around 4:30am... We clearly didn't get any sleep... But who wants to sleep anyways right? I went on a boat ride, fishing if some of my friends. Than we went for a walk to look around the ranch. Than my friends and I decided to go to this river... It was so cold... but I took awesome pictures of our little adventure. It was great, beautiful things to see and an opportunity to get together with some old friends and eat marshmallows and banana boat (and yes with lots of CHOCOLATE)
I was the funniest thing that I did so far and I hope go and visit other places before our season starts!!!
I hope you all are doing well
Love you tons, Ci
C those pictures look like you had a lot of fun! :) and don't be eating to much chocolate we need you this season and we want you to be able to jump as high as you were at the end of spring haha love you girl!
hahahaha true but by the beginning of June there will be no more candy... i have everything planed