It was the first time I have been in chicago. It's really pretty there but scary at the same time! We arrived in Chicago pretty late so we had to ride the train when all the homeless and scary people ride it, and there was a really creppy homeless guy looking at me the whole time we were on the train. which I didn't know because me and Nick were standing and just talking, but Nicks friend saw him sit on the ground of the train behind me and start grabeing himself. so his friend told me to move so he couldn't look at me anymore so Jeremy, Nicks friend who graduated from law school stood right behind me so he couldn't see me anymore. So the guy who was grabing himself got up and went to the other part of the train. At that moment I realized how sheltered I have been in Utah. I have never seen that many homeless poeple and people grab them selves in public for that matter. It was pretty crazy.
Other then that though I really liked chicago. Wish you were there when I was though Barto!!
We went and saw the bean... that is the big silver blob you see.
It was so fun taking pictures with that thing. Also we went to an aquarium and saw some sharks and fish. We also went to a museum, and went on the top of Hand-cock where we could see the whole city. It was very pretty! Ok and the big lady who is in all silver was freaking hilarous so I had to take a picture. I called her the silver bullut haha. great times. hope all of you are having a good summer and working out! love you all!!
Chicago is an interesting place. haha. and kind of scary. i wish i was there.